About Me

Hi! My name is Brianna Lockwood, and I am trying to make a difference in the way we treat each other. If you had to close your eyes and I said the words pretty,dainty, and skinny what would you see? How about if i said brave, athletic, strong and muscular? I bet the first time you pictured a girl and the second time you pictured a boy. What if someone can't live up to what their peers think would make them perfect? What if they didn't want to? Living up to what society expects us to be is impossible. Everyday adolescents are bullied because of how they look or act. I believe that every one should be different and believe in themselves so we all can fight society's "normals" together.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Its just a simple phrase.. "Believe in yourself".. however, there is a lot of power behind it. Not only does it encourage positive thinking when you face a challenge in your life, it also encourages you to accept yourself for who you are. You shouldn't have to live your life trying to please everyone that you come into contact with. But, that is what peer pressure does. You want to act and do the things that the "cool" kids do but its not what you would usually do right? Nowadays this happens so often that adolescents lose themselves  because they are infatuated with the idea of being popular. However, the time is now to bring out your true self and show your uniqueness to the world. If you are a teen reading this, I understand it can be scary and you feel like you will feel like an outsider. Your true friends will be by your side and will like you for who you are. Break out of the mold and be you  because what's cooler than being you?

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