About Me

Hi! My name is Brianna Lockwood, and I am trying to make a difference in the way we treat each other. If you had to close your eyes and I said the words pretty,dainty, and skinny what would you see? How about if i said brave, athletic, strong and muscular? I bet the first time you pictured a girl and the second time you pictured a boy. What if someone can't live up to what their peers think would make them perfect? What if they didn't want to? Living up to what society expects us to be is impossible. Everyday adolescents are bullied because of how they look or act. I believe that every one should be different and believe in themselves so we all can fight society's "normals" together.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

I hope everyone is having a great holiday season! Now the new year is approaching fast. With that being said don't  make a resolution that changes who you are as a person, because that's special to you and the people you encounter with everyday. Make a resolution that can improve your personality, stop judgement making and prove that acceptance is possible. I challenge everyone to make the resolution #beyou a priority. Stand up for yourself and what you believe in.

"Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right."
-Henry Ford

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Merry Christmas Eve everyone! Between dancing for the JRC, and ringing the bell for the Salvation Army, I have realized its not about what you get tomorrow. So during this holiday season make sure you include others in your holiday spirit. I hope everyone has an amazing holiday season! 

Friday, December 5, 2014

Its officially the hoilday season! With that being said I challenge everyone to donate something to their communities! Today I donated 10 scarfs and 15 pairs of gloves to the Urban Mission. It made me feel happy to know that i am helping children in need around my community. I hope everyone will feel this feeling too by donating anything like clothes, food or your time to help the people in need. 
I hope everyone had an amazing time during the holidays! During it I realized that we as a small community can not deminish ALL of the generalizations by just saying "don't do it".  However, we can build each others self esteem and self confidence. By doing this the bullies will not get the satisfaction because we will not give in to their thoughts. This will result in the people who tease about how someone or something should be, to not do it anymore. 

Monday, November 10, 2014

Recently I have been officially crowned as Miss Northern New York Outstanding Teen. As being crowned I thought of all of the stereotypes for "pageant girls". 
1.) "Pageants are just based on beauty."
This is not true at all! Most pageants have an interview part, where you have to discuss your platform and current events.
Also most pageants have a talent section. 
2.) " Pageant girls are super preppy and snobby" 
No! Each girl is different, they might like to dress up everyday or dress in sweat pants! Its up to them and the individual. Also, each girl wants to change an aspect of the world! 
3.) "Pageant girls" 
Each person is different! Yes we might like doing pageants and yes we like to get dressed up for them. But that does not mean we are the same, we all have different personalities that we like to express differently. 
Be you always. 

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Its time to start a chain reaction! For now on, thursdays are known as Thowing Kindness Thursdays! On this day you can post on social media, or tell someone something kind. One rule to this day is NO JUDGEMENT IS ALLOWED. We want to make everyone feel special, and not an outcast because there should be no outcasts. Enjoy being yourselves! #beyou

Friday, October 3, 2014

If we stop defining eachother by what we are not and start defining are selves by what we are, we can all be freer - Emma Watson

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Don't pass judgement on others based off superficial standards.
Be unique today and stand out from the rest of the crowd!

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Monday, September 29, 2014

Why do we as people judge everyone, make rude comments, and just generally be mean to one another? We do it as we pass someone down the halls, "oh my gosh the boots are so ugly". Why? Its not our place to judge someone on THEIR boots. They like them, it doesnt mean you need to like them but it does mean to keep your comments to yourself. So that girl or guy can rock their boots just how they want to.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Embracing You

Have you ever been told you don't belong? Maybe you are too girly, a tomboy, to big, or anything else. No matter what you have been called it doesn't matter. It really doesn't! You are you for a reason and you shouldn't let anyone change that. So, if you have been ever told that you a wrong, prove those people wrong and let yourself SHINE.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014