About Me

Hi! My name is Brianna Lockwood, and I am trying to make a difference in the way we treat each other. If you had to close your eyes and I said the words pretty,dainty, and skinny what would you see? How about if i said brave, athletic, strong and muscular? I bet the first time you pictured a girl and the second time you pictured a boy. What if someone can't live up to what their peers think would make them perfect? What if they didn't want to? Living up to what society expects us to be is impossible. Everyday adolescents are bullied because of how they look or act. I believe that every one should be different and believe in themselves so we all can fight society's "normals" together.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Happy New Year everyone! 2015 was a crazy and exciting year for me, not only have I expanded my platform, but I have impacted people all over New York State. My hope is that impact more adolescents in the upcoming year. I have also grown as person. Through the course of the year  I have gained more confidence, self esteem, and experience. I have faced many challenges and had to make a lot of decisions. I have learned from all of these things and they have all helped shape me.  Although 2016 has a big shoes to fill, I am ready for whatever comes my way! I have one resolution... To be myself always. We all get caught up in wanting to be liked by our peers but, we shouldn't have to change ourselves to do so. We should all have friends that like us for us despite our differences because it is  our differences that make us beautiful. For this new year remember to believe in yourself.